Saturday, August 14, 2010


what can I say? I honestly have never taken such a l-o-n-g blog break, but I did it and I don't regret it. I won't go into all the [somewhat non-exciting] details about why...but it involved a little stress [on my part] and spending a bit more time with my girls. Blogging and uploading pictures [as we all know] takes a lot of time on some days, and a little bit of time on other days.  I just decided that I wanted to eliminate that part of my responsibility list and concentrate on other things.

On a lighter note, I have been doing some fun things this summer and have really enjoyed the "free" time. Here's a peek into what I've been up to...

First up is a cover I made for my iPad [which I LOVE dearly]:
 I used two pieces of Amy Butler fabric that I had leftover from my backsack project. The interior is lined with a coordinating fabric, even though you can't see it.
Unfortunately, I don't remember where I got the instructions, but I do have the measurements if you need them. I love this cover because, not only is it stylish....but the sides are made from a recycled notebook, so they are firm and will keep my baby safe and protected.

Next is another sewing project that I had on my to-do list for a long, long time.
We always use mats at Jazzercise and sometimes they can be a bit dusty, so I bought my own and, well, it needed a stylish bag....this project came from the "One Yard Wonders" book.  Unfortunately, even with my husband's help (because he is the math mastermind) this pattern needed a bit of altering.  Overall, I am very happy with it and my model was excited to pose for the picture.  :)

And now for a bit of randomness:
Hubby's [famous] BBQ Chicken

Lights from the Hilton Hotel lobby

And lastly, a big celebration we enjoyed last week:
My youngest daughter turned 8! We've had a good summer!! How about you?

1 comment:

Katie H. said...

So glad you are "back"! Your daughter looks just like you in her birthday pic = )!!!